Monday, August 24, 2020

Time to Amend the 2nd Amendment


Time to Amend the 2nd Amendment

       It is time to fix the shooting and gun problem in America. When the Constitution was written it was not perfect and there have been a number of Amendments to fix the problems in the Constitution. In fact there have been Amendments that created problems worse than the problem they were passed to protect Americans from. Prohibition is the perfect example. It took an Amendment to create it. When the chaos it created proved worse than the problem it was supposed to fix they passed another Amendment to repeal it. 

     America did not become a nation of drunks. Many will argue with me but I will argue that the 18th Amendment is part of what caused the Great Depression because of all the businesses that it put out of business. The loss of income finally reached its peak when the markets collapsed.

     Amendments have been used to end slavery, give the right to vote and then give the right to women to vote. It is not a perfect system. The 2nd Amendment is revered as one of the original guaranteed rights. It should never be abolished, but it should be modified to solve problems that the Founding Fathers could never have envisioned when they originally wrote the Constitution.

    The attack on the NRA tells me that we need to pass an amendment that lines out that our Constitutional rights to guns may not be taken away. You can have your AR-15 and fill the air with lead, but I will take my bolt action 50 caliber sniper rifle and make every round count. Read the link at the end of this post and see what the difference is between Constitutional guns and Recreational guns.

    The Amendment I am proposing does not fix all the problems, but it is a big step and I include a couple laws that need to become Federal Laws. They should make the crime of indiscriminate murder of Americans so high that it is a capital offense. 

    The following link will take you to a post on my blog that lays out how and why the Amendment should work.

Class Warfare, You Betcha. A Little Radical?


Class Warfare, You Betcha. A Little Radical?

     Sometimes people miss the best possible chances to put their enemies in their place.  A few elections ago in Missouri a Republican was swiped at with the remark,  "There will be riots if the Republicans win."  That Republican backed down and lost the election.  Had he thought about it he could have thrown that one right back into the Democrats face and scored big points with it.  If he had just said,  "Well as a member of the Republican Party of which Abraham Lincoln was a member.  Yes the one who freed the slaves. I have to agree.  However there will not be riots because the Republicans won, but because the Democrats are sore losers."

     Recent newscasts have stated that, "Raising taxes on the wealthy and big business is class warfare."  Instead of backing off President Obama should have said, " Your darn right it is,  the poor in American are tired of being pissed on by you rich assholes."  Of course a President can not use that language, but he can sure plant it in the system.  What is wrong with the rich and business paying their fair share of the taxes.  It is money they took from the poor by overcharging for goods and services anyhow.  The Republicans are the ones who ran up all the debt to pay for the wars they started buy telling lies to the American people.  Had the military been allowed to plan as long and methodically as Al Qaeda did on their attack.  The war would have been over in one good raid or at best a few and billions and billions of dollars would not have been wasted not to mention an additional seven thousand lives.  The cost in lives on 9/11 was enough.  How many thousands of lives have been needlessly wasted in both Iraq and Afghanistan.  It is the same stupidty as was done in Vietnam.  Those people are so poor and so uninformed that they have nothing better to do than fight.  They do not care who it is with.  What should have been done is telling the Afghanistan people how they had been used by a group of fanatical thugs who hijacked their religion and their country.  Once that was made clear to them and that America does not hate them.  That we are the ones who helped them defeat the Russians.  Make it clear Al Qaeda does not care about them, but is using them and they will take care of Al Qaeda.  They are the type of people who do not like being used by anybody.  Which is something they have in common with the American people.

     It might seem I am a long ways from where I started, but the point was that no one likes being lied to or used.  Whether they are Afghans or Americans.  We need a third party to take that message from the American people to the American government.   The exploitation of Americans by the wealthy upper class and big business needs to end.  Make the rich and big business foot the bill for their frigging war.  They have lied to the American people to justify their goals.  They have no conscience about it.  The American people need to take back their country and if it takes class warfare.  So be it.   It can be done within the system by creating a third party.   If that does not work then the American people need to return to a bartering society and quit paying taxes.  Quit supporting big business and big government and see how long it takes them to change their ways.  Maybe it is so messed up it is time to tear it down and start over.  That is a scary thought.  Sometimes the truth is.