Monday, May 9, 2011

The Constitutional Anti-federalist Reform Party

The Constitutional Anti-federalist Reform Party (CARP) The party focus is independence.  Individual independence from government control and restrictions that violate the Constitution,  Financial independence from government waste, spending and debt. We support a call for a Constitutional Amendment requiring the government to have not just a balanced budget, but a debt free balanced budget.  Federal and State governments may not spend more than they collect in revenues. The Federal government must convert to a flat tax and get rid of all exemptions.  All business and industry will be required to pay the same tax as every individual.  The CARP also supports an energy independence program and the restoration of America's infrastructure.  We support a long term energy tax, the funds of which are to be dedicated eighty percent to infrastructure development and renewal with the remaining twenty percent to be spent on renewable and energy conservation and development. Some method of ending America's dependence on foreign oil and fixing our infrastructure must be put in place.  It is a need that will not go away or end and should be budgeted independent of the Federal Budget.  The taxes collected should be spent in the states they are collected in and administered by each state government.  The funds collected can not be used to balance state budgets or pay for state programs other than those that rebuild and maintain the infrastructure of the state.  The Federal government has no part in the tax other than determining a national across the board and reasonable tax.  The CARP also supports bringing home all American forces from overseas bases and the stationing them on American soil in the United States. No extended deployment overseas of any units on active duty. CARP supports the idea that Congress must approve all troop deployments to any foreign country.  The President still has the right to react to acts of aggression toward America.  His actions may be taken in defense of America and her citizens without congressional approval in the case of nuclear attack or hostile aggression on American soil.
      The CARP believes America should be totally energy independent,   America has compomised her morals and values to get along with and support governments that stand against every value and belief America stands for.  As long as this country is dependent on another country it can be blackmailed into supporting regimes that deny their citizens the very rights America professes to believe in.  Independence liberates America and allows us to stand up for and support the values worldwide that we profess to believe in. It is time to help other nations attain freedom and independence for all their citizens, regardless of race, creed, religion or ethnic background.

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